Quantify, qualify and understand
public transport use

Improve the transport offer for users by helping public and private operators to better manage their networks and investments through a better understanding of user practices.

Every year, TEST carries out dozens of surveys that are essential for managing transport networks. We specialize in Origin-Destination surveys, Fraud surveys and Quality of Service surveys. All these surveys have one thing in common: we interview passengers where they are! In vehicles, at stops, in stations or lobbies, in a park-and-ride facility… To question them, we are able to deploy considerable human resources all over France. 10, 20…200, 300 interviewers. It takes a lot of people to interview all the users of transport networks. This is the challenge we are constantly meeting for our customers. Just ask us!

In order to provide an exhaustive overview of visitor numbers, the study combines counting methodologies (road, pedestrian and cyclist flows, etc.), face-to-face visitor surveys, behavioral observations and interviews with elected officials and professionals.

Entrust us with your innovation challenges and benefit from our expertise to build a high-performance offering tailored to your market.