Our solutions

Field test

Field Test can take care of all or part of your fieldwork, from recruiting interviewers to delivering controlled data, with solutions tailored to your needs and budget, guaranteeing reliable, usable data for analysis.

An incomparable experience

For 40 years, Field Test has made high standards its priority and has carried out barometers, mystery shopping, price surveys, counts, post-tests, telephone surveys, trade fairs, in-home surveys, etc. in a variety of sectors such as the automotive, tourism, culture, transport, public services and consumer goods industries.

Field Test can size, train and supervise survey teams in line with your requirements and data collection needs. We recruit respondents precisely matching your targets, check the quality of the data collected, ensure that quotas are respected, and provide the field and data reporting you require.

An expert in field issues, Field Test adapts to your needs with agility and responsiveness.

Every year, throughout France, Field Test recruits over 2,000 face-to-face interviewers tailored to the specific requirements of each study, and cultivates a special relationship with each of them to ensure a rare commitment.

Our network also enables us to recruit over 3,000 respondents a year, B-to-C or B-to-B, from customer files or via our panel.

To collect relevant data, Field Test guarantees quality recruitment, adapted and controlled by our teams.