Our solutions

Satisfaction surveys

Your customers are in the best position to evaluate you. They know your strengths and weaknesses. Listening to them strengthens your relationship, stimulates innovation and ensures continuous improvement. With more than 20 years of expertise in customer satisfaction surveys, TEST offers you turnkey measurement tools tailored to your audiences.

Through the studies we carry out, we’re as close as possible to your customers and their concerns. We know where to find them and how to question them.

The satisfaction surveys we carry out will enable you to :

  • understand your customers’ needs and expectations.
  • prioritize these expectations and establish targeted, effective action plans
  • communicate with your customers and strengthen your relationship

Combined with mystery customer surveys, our satisfaction studies give you a 360° view of your service quality.

TEST offers you a complete range of methodologies: face-to-face, online, telephone, self-administered, email, paper, QR code surveys… We have the solution to suit your needs.

Our satisfaction survey experts are with you every step of the way. From calculating your NPS score to advanced analyses of causal relationships (including Bayesian networks), we design a questionnaire perfectly adapted to your offer and your objectives.